The Skyline Campaign aims to stop the devastation of London by badly designed tall buildings in the wrong location. The Campaign was launched in March 2014 with support from The Observer and the Architects’ Journal and a statement signed by over 80 public figures, experts and community groups.

We believe most of the towers now being built or proposed for Central London will damage permanently the city's beloved character and unique identity, its public spaces, protected views and skylines. Towers do not provide an answer to London's real housing and employment needs. Genuine public consultation is scarce, effective planning guidance inadequate, and real benefits to Londoners minimal.

Our aims:

  • review and reform of existing tall buildings policy, leading to greater clarity, transparency and certainty
  • a presumption against consenting tall buildings, unless clear benefits can be demonstrated relative to alternative building types
  • more thorough and effective master planning of opportunity areas and other zones appropriate for tall buildings
  • all applications to be analysed via a publicly accessible city-wide 3D digital model, allowing Londoners to understand the effects of individual proposals, and the cumulative impact of policies and decisions
  • all tall buildings to be subjected to design review by an independent body of experts
  • planning departments to be better supported and specifically trained in dealing with issues relating to Tall Buildings

What we do:

  • We raise awareness of the current proliferation of planning applications and new towers being built around London
  • We influence politicians and other decision makers
  • We draw attention to the many issues surrounding tall buildings
  • We build knowledge of alternative opportunities for densification
  • We oppose poor quality schemes in the wrong location

Our successes:

Since our launch in March, 2014, we have:

  • Become London's foremost forum for opposing the building of badly designed buildings in inappropriate locations
  • Been instrumental in causing the withdrawal of the 72-storey Paddington Pole in January 2016
  • Collected almost 2,000 signatures in a single petition
  • Generated exceptional media coverage
  • Been asked to participate in many debates and workshops
  • Obtained resounding endorsement from the London Assembly's Planning Committee
  • Formed alliances with other concerned organisations
  • Lobbied politicians and decision makers